Nut-Special / N-P-L (Crystal/ Liquid)

NUT-SPL / N-P-L (Crystal/ Liquid) is a balanced multi- micronutrient fertilizer which meets all the micronutrient needs of groundnut. It improves oil content, better seed setting, builds resistance to diseases in plants etc. especially in nuts and cereals.

NUT-SPL / N-P-L (Crystal/ Liquid) is a balanced multi- micronutrient fertilizer which meets all the micronutrient needs of groundnut. It improves oil content, better seed setting, builds resistance to diseases in plants etc. especially in nuts and cereals.

Composition :
Contains secondary nutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur and Micronutrients like Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Molybdenum and Boron in a most balanced and in easily available form.

Dosage & Methods of Application

Foliar Spray: Dissolve 2.5 g/ 2 ml NUT-SPL/ N-P-L (Crystal/ Liquid) in one litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves.
 First spray: 30 days after germination and
Second spray: 20 days after first spray is given.
Available Package
500 g/ 500 ml/ 1lit

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